The demonstration looks at asking, which is a composition of the request act with the tell act, or the propose act with the tell act. The fruit problem of Section 5.2.1 is used for the demonstration. A plot of the utility of each is given in figure 5.13. On the left, the request act is plotted. Since agent 2 unconditionally answers, the plot is derived from the basic value of information plot given in figure 5.3. The plot for propose(tell) is of the same form as that given in Section 5.5.2. Notice that neither request nor propose entirely covers the other over the belief space, and so each is dominant in some region of the belief space. Figure 5.14 plots the utility gain of the dominant strategy over ending the negotiation. Therefore each is a necessary member of the repertoire. Once again, it is apparent here that negotiation decisions are sensitive to the probability values of the probabilistic belief model.