level 1: { p(intend(ask-car-spanner),1) } level 2: { } level 3: { p(intend(ask-car-spanner),0.7) p(intend(ask-bike-spanner),0.3) } level 4: { } level 5: { p(intend(ask-car-spanner),0.7) p(intend(ask-bike-spanner),0.3) }
Now consider the alternatives available in the game tree (figure 4.2). ask-ambiguous has no effect on the mental state since there are two alternative parent intentions to this act. On the other hand, there is only one parent available for ask-unambiguous and so agent 2 may revise its belief about agent 1's intention. This is an alternating mutual revision and so level 3 and level 5 are revised. The same effect is obtained by using the answer-car and answer-bike acts since these two have a single possible parent intention. The following is the resulting belief model:
level 1: { p(intend(ask-car-spanner),1) } level 2: { } level 3: { p(intend(ask-car-spanner),1) } level 4: { } level 5: { p(intend(ask-car-spanner),1) }